A Mobile, Social and Creative Story
Plato says, "Those who tell the stories rule the world". Because people need a story to tell, more than anything!
We have a unique story for each brand. This is a Mobile, Social and Creative narrative. The unique narrative of the information age…
Like our innovative detective Zacky has redefined communication in the healthcare industry for GE Healthcare. Or like we told with the first mobile VR application of the Middle East: VR The Experience!
Sometimes we play league matches for Nesine.com in real time on twitter, such as our award-winning and trendsetting platform: Social Super League.
Sometimes it’s thought-provoking, like Acer’s Museum of the Untouchables, where we bring everything you have never touched before, to the tips of your fingers…
And it is often shocking, as we introduced young university candidates to Sabancı University on the first Social Map, or with Shake Up, to lead them to a whole new experience.
Because the digital universe of the masses is our playground without any end and it is our job to invent new digital stories about human beings.
In our repertoire, we have a lot of new digital experiences waiting for your brand to be told. They are excited, fidgety and ready to be pioneers….
If you have read this; Now, they’re dying to come true in your story.